
I want to work at Tender Years. How do I find out what vacancies are available?

All job vacancies at Tender Years are listed on our ‘Current Openings’ section on the Career Page.

How can I apply?

You can apply by either of the following options:
Mailing your CV on our email ID careers@tenderyears-school.in
Drop your resume at our School reception.

How can I be informed about any recruitment event taking place at Tender Years?

The best way to stay informed about Tender Years recruitment events is to keep an eye on the careers section of this website or see the recruitment advertisement in leading newspapers.

What are the kinds of pay scales offered?

While the pay scales vary for each profile, we can say that we offer the best remuneration in the industry.

What are the minimum qualifications required?

Qualifications would vary as per profile. However graduation would be the basic minimum requirement.

I have sent my application and CV. What happens now?

After checking the CVs, the short-listed candidates are invited for an interview at the school.

Can I apply for multiple positions simultaneously?

Yes, this is possible. If you see more than one job in our ‘Current Openings’ section, which you find attractive and whose requirements you meet, you can apply for each job.

What are the growth prospects at Tender Years?

We provide ample opportunities for growth and personal development. You will get due rewards and recognition for your performance.

Who can I contact if I have any more questions?

You may contact our School Office at +91 9928446911 or Email us at contact@tenderyears-school.in
